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How Can I Get Used to Eating with Dentures?

June 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — mdg_team @ 3:38 pm
Older couple sitting at table, enjoying a lovely meal

The process of getting dentures can take a few weeks or months. Throughout that time period, you may have eagerly looked forward to all the delicious and satisfying foods that you planned to eat with your new teeth. However, when you finally received dentures, you might have found that eating with them was a bit challenging. How can you get used to eating with dentures? Here are some practical tips:

Start with Soft Foods

When you first start wearing your prosthetic, you might discover that your gums are somewhat sore. Trying to consume chewy or tough foods is only likely to worsen your discomfort. For at least a few weeks, try to stick to foods that require little to no chewing. Items like yogurt, applesauce, mashed potatoes, and scrambled eggs are good choices.

Be Careful with Hot Foods

An upper denture is designed to cover both your palate and your gums, so it may reduce your ability to sense the temperature of the foods you put in your mouth. If you consume something extremely hot, you might not realize that it could burn you until it is too late! Try to test your foods with your lips so you can determine whether they are safe to eat.

Distribute Food Evenly on Both Sides of Your Mouth

Traditional dentures can become destabilized if you accidentally place too much pressure on one side. To reduce the risk of your prosthetic slipping out of place, try to evenly distribute your food on both sides of your mouth while you are chewing.

Bite Carefully

Because dentures are prone to become destabilized at times, you should not use their front teeth to bite directly into tough or hard foods. For example, it would be unwise to bite into a whole apple. Instead, use a knife to slice the apple, and then move it directly to your molars so you can chew.

Drink Plenty of Liquids

Some foods, such as starches and sticky items, may accumulate on the chewing surfaces of your prosthetic teeth. This could cause bad breath and other hygiene issues. Try to drink plenty of water so it can rinse away unwanted food particles and help to keep your smile fresh and clean. Remember, though, that you should not keep hot liquids in your mouth for too long; the high temperature could cause your dentures to loosen.

Call Your Dentist if You Need Help

Your dental team has helped many patients adapt to their dentures. They are always ready to offer helpful advice! Give them a call if any questions or concerns pop up as you are getting used to your new prosthetic. Hopefully, it will not be long before eating with your dentures feels easy and natural.

Meet the Practice

The team of experts at Meriden Dental Group is proud to provide a full range of services for our community, including traditional dentures, denture maintenance, and more. We are always happy to offer practical tips and advice to help patients get the most out of their prosthetic teeth. To learn more about us and how we may be able to assist you, contact our office at 203-404-6800.

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