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What Happens if You Delay Root Canal Treatment?

May 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — mdg_team @ 3:49 pm
Dentist and patient discussing X-ray

When your dentist initially informs you that you need root canal therapy, you might be reluctant to consent to the procedure at first. Some people fear this treatment, while others question whether it is actually necessary. A number even postpone it due to concerns about its cost. Regardless of what might hold you back, it is important to think about the consequences of not receiving prompt care. What happens if you delay root canal treatment? This blog post touches on a few possibilities.


Is Drinking Through a Straw Better for Your Teeth?

April 24, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — mdg_team @ 3:58 pm
Woman’s hand reaching for drink with a straw in it

It is commonly believed that whether or not you drink through a straw is purely a matter of personal preference. Some people like straws and view them as fashionable and fun. Others want to sip their drinks directly. But is drinking through a straw actually better for your teeth? In many cases, yes. This blog post explains how a straw could protect your smile.


Avoid These Foods if You Have Dentures

Filed under: Uncategorized — mdg_team @ 3:25 pm
Group of senior friends enjoying a meal together

There are a lot of good things to be said about dentures. They are attractive, cost-effective, and easy to care for. But they do have a few disadvantages. For example, they do not have the strength or chewing ability of natural teeth. Therefore, they might require you to make some changes to your eating habits. This blog post explains what foods you should avoid if you have dentures and why you should do so. You will also find information on an alternative to conventional dentures that can allow you to eat virtually anything.


Does Alcohol Increase Your Risk of Gum Disease?

March 21, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — mdg_team @ 2:05 pm
Three cocktails arranged on countertop

Do you like to enjoy an occasional glass of wine or cocktail? Many people do. While sipping on adult beverages in moderation is not usually harmful, it is important to think about the consequences of overdoing it. Not only can overconsumption of alcohol put your head-to-toe wellness at risk, but it can also prove detrimental to your oral health. Does alcohol increase your risk of gum disease? Read on to learn more about this important topic.


Root Canals vs. Extractions: Which Should You Choose?

March 19, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — mdg_team @ 12:59 pm
Dentist and patient talking about treatment options

A severe toothache can be one of the most distracting and bothersome types of pain. If you are suffering from this issue, you should contact your emergency dentist as soon as possible. After they examine your mouth, they will recommend a procedure to relieve your pain. What if you have multiple treatment options? How can you choose the best one? This blog post discusses some of the pros and cons of root canals vs. tooth extractions.


Why Does My Lower Denture Keep Slipping out of Place?

February 23, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — mdg_team @ 1:45 pm
Lower denture isolated against dark background

Dentures can provide reliable chewing function and an attractive smile — but that is only if they stay in place. Unfortunately, some denture patients struggle with prosthetics that do not want to remain where they belong. Why might a lower denture keep slipping out of place? What steps can you take to remedy the situation? Continue reading to find out.


A Basic Guide to Childhood Tooth Extractions

February 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — mdg_team @ 2:10 pm
Smiling child holding her extracted tooth

Losing teeth is a necessary and oftentimes exciting part of childhood. What little one does not get excited when one of their baby teeth falls out? The experience, however, can be quite different when a family dentist must extract a tooth before it is even loose. Why are childhood tooth extractions sometimes necessary? What can you do to make the experience as easy as possible for your little one? This basic guide explains.


How Does Smoking Affect Dentures?

January 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — mdg_team @ 5:59 pm
Woman sitting outside, smoking cigarette

It is common knowledge that smoking is bad for teeth. But what if you have lost all of your natural teeth and are soon going to get dentures? That is not a reason to continue smoking. In fact, this habit can be just as detrimental for prosthetic teeth as it is for natural ones. How exactly does smoking affect dentures? Continue reading this blog post to find out.


I Am Not in Pain — Why Do I Need a Root Canal?

December 12, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — mdg_team @ 4:20 pm
Curious man in gray shirt against blue background

When you see your dentist for a routine checkup, you might expect to hear good news. After all, you try to take good care of your teeth, and your mouth is not in any pain. It may come as a big surprise, then, if you learn that you need to undergo root canal therapy. What are some signs that a root canal is necessary? Why this procedure sometimes necessary even when a patient is not in pain? Read on below to learn the answers.


Why Is Root Canal Retreatment Sometimes Necessary?

November 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — mdg_team @ 7:23 pm
Happy patient at appointment for a root canal in Meriden

If you underwent root canal therapy in the past, the experience was probably not as bad as you had anticipated. Still, if your dentist informs you that your previously treated tooth needs to get another root canal in Meriden, you might hesitate to commit to the procedure. Why does root canal therapy sometimes need to be redone, and what can you expect from the retreatment experience? Read on below to learn the answers.

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