Are you looking forward to getting dentures? Your prosthetic teeth can give you a confident smile, improve your chewing ability, and provide other benefits. However, you will have to go through a bit of an adjustment period before you can truly appreciate your dentures. What should you expect during the first month after you receive your new grin? This blog post provides practical information.
You Might Experience Some Discomfort
It is important to remember that dentures are a foreign object in your mouth. Until you adapt to wearing them, you might experience some mild discomfort in your gums and other oral structures. Your soft tissues and facial muscles will be adapting! You might also notice extra saliva production. These issues are unlikely to last very long if you wear your dentures consistently.
Your Speech Could Be Affected
Some patients experience a slight lisp when they first get their dentures. After all, your tongue will need a bit of time to adapt to interacting with your prosthetic. Usually, the best way to overcome this issue is through practice. Be slow and intentional with your pronunciation, and take opportunities to read out loud or engage in small talk with your family members. Eventually, your speech is likely to be clearer than it was before you got dentures.
You Should Start with Soft Foods
After some time, you should feel comfortable eating most foods with your dentures. In the meantime, though, it would be wise to eat a diet of soft foods. Items that require little to no chewing, such as eggs, meatloaf, and soft breads can help you get used to the eating techniques that are required with dentures. For example, you should not bite into objects with your front teeth, and you should distribute foods evenly across both sides of your mouth.
Stay in Touch with Your Dentist
Many patients feel comfortable with their dentures within the first 30 days of using their prosthetic. If you run into any questions or concerns during — or after — that time period, you should not hesitate to get in touch with your dentist. For example, if you experience unusual pain, your dentures do not fit well, or you have questions about oral hygiene, those are all reasons to call your dental team. They will do all they can to help you navigate the problem so you can start truly enjoying the advantages of your beautiful new prosthetic.
Dentures come with a learning curve! Before you know it, though, your new smile should become a comfortable and easy part of your routine.
Meet the Practice
The talented dentists at Meriden Dental Group are proud to offer a full range of services to our community, including traditional dentures, denture maintenance services, and more. If you are curious about your tooth replacement options or have questions about how to adapt to dentures, we would be pleased to speak with you. Contact our office at 203-404-6800.